DIASPORA: the dispersion of any people from their original homeland.
For African Diaspora Council, it is composed of anyone who is African or claims African heritage, including African Americans whose ancestors were involved in the Diaspora, and anyone with a general concern for learning about Africa.
The African Diaspora Council Inc. (ADC Inc.) is a vocal organ established to mobilize anyone with African heritage in the Diaspora into a united body. As a social advocacy institution, it offers educational, financial, and social advocacy services. We foster and nurture positive image and identity through presentation of Cultural and Artistic projects that instill pride in the African diaspora communities. Through media development programs we are the voice on social, sustainable economic, and development issues both nationally and internationally.
ADC, Inc. strives to be at the forefront of community development, helping to shape a better future for tomorrow today, because we recognize the power of service to strengthen communities. We realize the importance of collaboration & partnerships with African experts but also know it is vital to bring experts outside of African experience or heritage into an interactive dialogue so through cooperation & good will within our communities, we can forge better relations and ultimately a better future.

ADC VALUES: Encouraging forward thinking, operating with integrity and promoting hope and understanding of our communities and the continent of Africa.
African Diaspora Council 10th Anniversary Dinner Gala
Honoring the Life & Legacy of Nelson Mandela
The African Diaspora Council empowers marginalized communities of African descent to prosper. We counsel and guide our neighbors in times of need, we promote a shared understanding of our rich African cultural heritage, and we connect those we serve to the resources they need to thrive.
ADC MISSION is to empower marginalized communities of African descent to prosper. We counsel and guide our neighbors in times of need, we promote a shared understanding of our rich African cultural heritage, and we connect those we serve to the resources they need to thrive. To that end, we have been offering direct services to members, successfully providing advocacy services in court, translation services, and health resource referrals for recent immigrants. ADC, Inc. also partnered with UNICEF to help bring awareness to the #StopEbola campaign in 2015.
Our five year plan consists of two main goals:
i) the construction of the African Diaspora Cultural Center, and
The African Diaspora Cultural Center will be a brewing pot for the ideas, products, and connections that will shape the future of our continent. It will showcase authentic African culture, art, and cuisine, and will host celebrations, meetings, and events to honor our heritage and diversity. It will be a venue where our council will continue to serve the community, our members can have candid, free conversations, and our children can learn, play, and grow together.
The PROPOSED AFRICAN DIASPORA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION will be a financial co-operative that promotes financial literacy, financial planning, entrepreneurship, community development, and group economics. For most people, a credit union that offers culture-sensitive, localized, individualized customer service is a privilege beyond access. We know that most people would switch to a credit union if they were made aware of the benefits credit unions provide over banks. Beyond that, the credit union will help the Council finance the economic development and revitalization of the Diaspora community.
Our Vision
A world in which individuals of African descent have the opportunity to achieve economic prosperity while preserving their rich cultural identity.
It has been said that in many respects, “Diasporas are not actual but imaginary and symbolic communities and political constructs; it is we who call them into being!” The African Diaspora Council seeks to do just that. We call the diaspora into being by targeting African diaspora communities in the United States and around the world into a united front with a common voice.
There is a saying that “Diaspora is only as strong as its weakest link.” Thus we realize the tremendous need for us, to establish networks and to unite as a people to create a strong community. We hope that by working together we will be able to leverage the talents and synergies that can transform us into a strong, vibrant community. We can contribute to our own development as Africans in the Diaspora, and also support economic development of the African continent.